Sunday, January 2, 2011

1/2 - The Bike

After much research, I decided on renting the BMW F650 GS from NZ Motorcycle Rentals & Tours.  She's the little sis to the bike ridden by Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman in "Long Way Round".  It's also one of the few dual sports...ok the ONLY dual sport they had where my feet could touch the ground.  :)

And here she is, ain't she a beaut?  Best part is, she's red. *drool*


  1. I can see you cruising around NZ on this, like the little pig in the GEICO commercials. Except you'll go "Wee Wee Wee" UNTIL you get home. :) Have fun.

  2. Hey now, at the least the roads will be a better (I hope) than the crazy pothole/gravel roads were were on in Costa Rica. My butt will be happy about that! :)
